Hi All,
Joleen and I are busy putting together our outline for issue number 7, the "Home" issue. As a small reminder we want to remind you that we really rely on our readers to contribute artwork and article ideas to make our Zines diverse and full of eye candy. Please visit the CALLS page on our website to find out how you can submit artwork to grace he pages of our gallery.
In addition I have talked
Mike into continuing his series on Photoshop for Mixed Media Artists. This series provided all sorts of handy tips on how to use Photoshop and PS Elements to recolor, distress, mask and all sorts of things with a popular piece of software. Mike's articles and teaching style are becoming so popular that he has now been tapped to teach at Art Unraveled this summer. Anyway, the point of this is that he wants to make is articles relevant to you all, so this is your chance to to ask specific questions or suggest topics of particular interest to you. Please think about it and email us or comment here and we'll try to hook you up. Keep those ideas coming!!